Pledge Form
Pledge Form
I’m strong. I’m proud. I’m active.
S-BR4-Life is prepared to talk to me about training to swim, bike and run. They can meet me where I am- to make positive lifestyle changes. They can make a positive impact – on me and my lifestyle choices.
So I pledge…
To not just survive, but thrive. I will learn how to live stronger and longer – for me, my family, and my community. I will join the movement to get and stay active through swimming, biking and running. Please complete the form shown on this page.
Share this message with a friend. Knowing about healthy lifestyle options which includes swimming, biking and running empowers us to get and stay healthy. Let people know you care about them by sharing this important information.
With your help, we are on a mission to reduce the number of African Americans who live sedentary lives. We are raising awareness about the disproportionate number of African Americans who have underlying conditions making them more likely to contract COVID-19.
Through our own commitment to get and stay healthy by swimming, biking and running we will influence others in our community to do the same.
Spread the word and tell your friends and family to join the movement and take the pledge.
Tell them to visit S-BR4-Life.com for more information.